How to install MySQL Workbench in Ubuntu 20.04.


In this article, we will cover the How to install MySQL Workbench in Ubuntu 20.04 with 3 different ways. The only need to install MySQL Workbench is Ubuntu Local System.

So Many GUI tools are available like Workbench, Beekeeper Studio, dbForge Studio, etc.

MySQL Workbench is for SQL development, administration, and database design for MySQL.

So you can connect to many environments of MySQL hosts into a single Workbench.

MySQL Workbench provides administration tools for server configuration, User control, backup and restoration.

MySQL Workbench is available on Linux, Mac, and Windows. You can refer to the link to download the workbench of your choice.

If you want to upgrade the MySQL version to another version then refer to the link.

The 3 ways to install the workbench are as follows,

  1. Install MySQL Workbench with the apt repository.
  2. How to MySQL Workbench install with .deb package (GUI).
  3. Install MySQL Workbench with the dpkg command (Command-line).

How to Install MySQL Workbench with the apt repository Ubuntu 20.04.

So to install with the help of the apt repository, we have to update and upgrade the repository for Ubuntu.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade

The above command will update the repositories. Now we can install MySQL workbench community version 8 edition using the “apt install”.

$ sudo apt install -y mysql-workbench-community

How to Install MySQL Workbench using the .deb package in Ubuntu 20.04(GUI).

To install workbench with the dpkg command, we need to download the .deb file from MySQL Website.

Now let’s go to the given link above, then select the OS which will be Ubuntu. And select the version for Ubuntu OS which is 20.

Download the .deb package for Ubuntu 20 Version,

So it will give you the option to download the .deb file. Once you click on download, the page will redirect to login and sign up.

Click on No thanks, just start my download.

Click on “No thanks, just start my download”. Save the file into your local system.

Save the download file in your local system.
Double click to install the MySQL workbench in Ubuntu 20.04

Double click in the .deb file, it will prompt you with the installer. Click on Install, and it will ask for the authentication. Put in the password and wait for some time.

Click to install the MySQL workbench in Ubuntu 20.04
Authenticate with the password to proceed with the download.

Once it’s installed search for Workbench, double click on the application. Then create your first database using MySQL Workbench by referring to the link.

How to Install MySQL Workbench using the dpkg command in Ubuntu 20.04(Command-line).

Now the same steps we will do with the command line. Download the .deb file with the wget command.

$ wget

Use the ls command to check the downloaded file into your local system.

$ ls -lrt mysql-workbench-community*

So now let’s install MySQL Workbench using the dpkg command.

$ sudo dpkg -i mysql-workbench-community_8.0.28-1ubuntu20.04_amd64.deb

It is possible that you will find the dependencies error on your command line.

Dependencies error while installing the package for the MySQL Workbench in Ubuntu 20.04

So to install the dependencies for the MySQL Workbench using the “apt install -f” command.

$ sudo apt install -f

It will download all the dependencies in our Ubuntu local system. And Once the MySQL Workbench is installed on your system. Use the command “mysql-workbench” to launch the Application.

If you want to create a MySQL connections then refer the link. Keep supporting us and sharing!!

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